Solomon Society of Jewish Federation is a fellowship of men who inspire each other through their values, actions, and commitment to our community. By leveraging its collective power, Solomon Society supports and strengthens our community in Orange County, Israel and around the world.  

Thank you for your commitment to Jewish Federation of Orange County! The investment of Solomon Society philanthropists is at work right now to:

  • provide ongoing care for Holocaust survivors aging with dignity in Orange County
  • support Jewish educational programs that sustain a vibrant Jewish community
  • develop lay leadership
  • partner with and support community organizations
  • ensure emergency assistance to OC residents facing financial crises
  • and so much more.

Solomon Society Members commit to making a minimum gift of $1,000 to the Jewish Federation of Orange County 2024 Annual Campaign. Please consider increasing your gift to join as a VIP member ($3,000) or Solomon Society’s L’Chaim Club ($5,000).* 

Solomon Society “Step-Up” is a three-year philanthropic commitment for those under the age of 40 ($500 in Year 1, $750 in Year 2, and $1,000 in Year 3) in support of the Jewish Federation of Orange County Annual Campaign.

*Please note that Solomon Society membership levels will be increasing on January 1, 2025 to the following: Member ($1,250), VIP ($3,600), L'Chaim Club ($7,500). Contact Stephanie Epstein, Chief Philanthropy Officer, with questions at [email protected]

Use this form to pay your pledge by credit card. If you prefer to pay by check, please make your check payable to Jewish Federation of Orange County, write 2024 Annual Campaign in the memo line, and mail it to our secure bank lockbox: Jewish Federation of Orange County, PO Box 841305, Los Angeles, CA, 90084-1305. 

JFedOC is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Tax ID Number is 95-2407026.

Suggested Amounts

Credit card companies deduct fees on every transaction. You can increase your impact by offsetting those fees. This amount is tax-deductible.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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